Genomic annotations are aimed to associate the sequencing of a genome or transcriptome with exploitable biological information. By using high-quality assemblies, GenoScreen delivers the precise annotation required for understanding an organism’s biological functions.
Applications of genomic annotations
By linking sequencing data to previously acquired genomic knowledge, annotation deepens our understanding of a genome.
The main goal is, firstly, to identify variants (with the standard) and, secondly, to understand their roles and impacts. Annotation provides an understanding of an organism’s evolution or gene expression (diseases, agrifood production, etc.)
GenoScreen - Genomic annotations services provided
- Structural annotation localizes a sequence’s coding regions in order to predict the genes’ positions (open reading frames, ORFs).
- Functional annotation uses alignment techniques to compare the sequences with previously annotated databases. It can also be used to screen for sequence motifs that are specific for certain biological functions.
GenoScreen's assets
- Exhaustive searching within functional genomics reference databases (UniProt / GeneOntology, etc.)
- Significant high-performance computing capacity.
- Expertise in big data techniques.
- In-depth knowledge of microbial functional genomics.