Tuberculosis :
Predict in 48 hours the resistance
to the 15 major antibiotics
Updated guidelines for Novel Food submissions (EU) 2015/2283
The 1st of February 2025 entered into force the “Guidance on the scientific requirements for an application of a novel food in the context of Regulation (EU) 2015/2283”.
What is EFSA?
EFSA stands for the European Food Safety Authority. It is essentially the scientific supervisor of the European Union when it comes to food. EFSA’s purpose is to ensure that the food Europeans eat is safe and meets high quality standards. To do so, they provide objective and unbiased scientific assessment of food-related risks.
How to preserve the skin microbiota?
The skin microbiota plays a vital role in maintaining the skin's integrity and functionality. It contributes to the proper regulation of organisms and organs, allowing the skin to perform its essential functions, including acting as a barrier. See our latest article "Why preservce the skin microbiota ?"
Microbial communities
Consisting in bacteria, archaea, protists, fungi and/or viruses previously unknown, microbial or microbial communities are now recognized as key actors in the proper functioning of our organism and our environment. Since 2008, GenoScreen has a particular focus on the study of these microbial communities and its R&D team has developed, optimized and standardized various methodologies mandatory for their study (Metabiote®, WHORMSS® etc), starting with the extraction of gDNA adapted to different samples of human/animal microbiotes (faeces, skin samples, oral, sputum, intestinal biopsies etc.) or environmental microbiotes (agricultural/polluted soils, rhizospheres, filtered air etc.) to the final metadata analysis.